Back pain is one of the most common ailments among workers, especially those who spend long hours sitting in front of a computer or doing physical work. Many people seek medical attention or miss work for this reason.

el dolor de espalda

To prevent back pain, it is important to follow certain ergonomic recommendations in the workplace.

Some of these considerations are:

1. The chair must be height adjustable to allow the feet to be flat on the floor and the knees to form a 90 degree angle.

2. The computer screen should be placed at eye level and at a suitable distance, to avoid having to tilt your head up or down.

3. It is important to pause and stretch from time to time to avoid muscle stiffness and improve blood circulation.

Back pain can seriously affect people's quality of life and their ability to work. For this reason, it is important to prevent and treat it properly. In some cases, it may be necessary to see a physical therapist or a doctor who specializes in musculoskeletal injuries.

It is a common problem among workers, but it can be prevented and properly treated with the help of ergonomics and physiotherapy. It is important that both companies and workers become aware of the importance of caring for back health and adopt preventive measures to avoid pain and injuries. Doing so will improve both quality of life and productivity in the workplace.

We share the Consensus Document on back pain prepared by the Spanish Society of Primary Care Physicians (SEMERGEN) as a useful source of information for the prevention and treatment of back pain.

In this document you will be able to learn more about the different types of back pain, the socioeconomic impact of this ailment, its pharmaceutical assessment, how to diagnose back pain, different types of treatment, and its pharmaceutical care.

Access the Consensus Document on Back Pain. symptoms and treatment

Fountain: prevent

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