Module for the inspection of fire extinguishers with the use of mobile devices.



Inspección de extintores, aplicación Móvil

The Safety Mantis software for management and control in industrial safety and occupational health in companies, has a specialized module for the regular inspection of all fire equipment, whether portable fire extinguishers or fixed systems. 


By using mobile devices such as smart phones or tablets, inspectors can approach each of the points where the fire extinguishers and devices that make up the fixed fire fighting systems are located, in order to select the fire extinguisher from the list according to to its serial number, and carry out the checklist according to the type of equipment, extinguishing agent and other parameters that can be configured according to the need of the company and the line of business.

All observations that can be raised, as well as all non-conformities, are immediately reported through the system to the department in charge of taking action and solving any abnormality detected.


In this way, the Safety Mantis software, through its fire extinguisher inspection module, guarantees the integrity and correct functioning of all fixed and mobile systems that make up the company's security and fire control strategy.

Additionally, another advantage of having software for inspections is avoiding the use of paper and spending time on administrative tasks, thus allowing security technicians to dedicate themselves to prevention more actively.


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